Give Birth to Your Visionary Business in 2018! (A Free 5-Article Series)
The new year is a time of new beginnings for many of us.
You may be launching a new business or taking your existing business to the next level. This process of birth (or rebirth) is my sweet spot!
I would love to help you fully embody your Visionary self and create a business vision and strategy that crackles with life and fills your heart with joy.
It would be an honor if you let me give you a taste of how I think and what I do with my clients, and read this 5-part series – “Give Birth to Your Visionary Business in 2018.”
It isn’t about launch strategies or how-tos. (Again, these are important, but they come later). It’s about stepping into your full power and clarity as a Visionary Business Leader – someone whose presence is remarkable, who has a huge vision for what’s possible in the world, and leads a team to make their dream a reality.
This series is not written for those who are brand new to business. (Some of the strategies around team-building, for instance, aren’t appropriate for newbies.) It’s written for coaches, consultants, healers, and other transformational leaders who have been in business for a few years or a few decades, have hit a plateau or want to accelerate their growth, and know that all external manifestation is unlocked with internal mental, emotional, and energetic shifts.
This was originally an email series that I sent out on Martin Luther King Day in 2017. I've adapted it slightly while keeping to the seasonal theme, and made it publicly available here on my blog.
In the following 5 articles you will learn:
How to unlearn the most useless waste of energy imaginable
What I do instead of vision-boarding that gives me a crystal-clear map of the year ahead
How to build a badass and loyal team to support your grand vision
Why a good-enough strategy is the perfect strategy (and what that looks like)
How to build your momentum (because, as you know, momentum is everything).
I hope you’re as excited as I am about your untapped capacities – for creativity, for fulfillment, for leadership, for intimacy, and the list goes on…
Here’s to unleashing these capacities in the new year!
Let's continue to the first article of the series:
How to Unlearn the Most Useless Waste of Energy Imaginable