Parting Words for Visionary Leaders
This is a bonus wrap-up article in the Give Birth to Your Visionary Business series, originally delivered as an email series starting on Martin Luther King Day of 2017. I've ported it here to the blog without changing the original content – which is just as relevant as it was a year ago. Learn more about the entire series here.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this series on Visionary Business Leadership. Without you putting on your "student/client/learner" hat, I would not be able to fulfill my purpose as a "teacher/business midwife/learner" … and it's fun to learn together, right? :)
A Recap of Where We've Been
Below are the titles of the 5 lessons I shared with you, linked to the original articles, followed by the Visionary Leadership Capacity from that lesson. If you want the pithiest of summaries, this is it!
We are often so busy consuming new (shiny! fabulous! fresh!) information that we forget to take the time to integrate valuable lessons we've already received. Repetition – I repeat, repetition – is the key to integration, so I encourage you to re-read at least one of these lessons and see what you learn the second time around.
Lesson #1 – How to Unlearn the Most Useless Waste of Energy Imaginable
"Hold a high bar for what's possible, while being fully appreciative of what is so."
Lesson #2 – Lightyears Beyond a Vision Board
"Always hold a clear and compelling vision for your life and business."
Lesson #3 – Building Your Visionary Team
"Build a brilliant team to help you birth your vision, and master the art of caring leadership so the collaboration flows and everyone wins."
Lesson #4 – Your Visionary Business Strategy
"Create and maintain a solid strategy that you can trust to carry you to your vision."
Lesson #5 – The Other 90%
"When you take powerful action towards goals that are aligned with your soul's purpose, success is inevitable."
What's One Thing You Learned?
My humble hope is that you learned something – at least one thing. This could be an intellectual learning, a learning of the heart, or a learning-by-doing.
What's the one most important thing you learned from this series? Please comment below and let me know, and share anything else you would like about how this series made a difference for you.
I may ask to include your note in a future invitation to this series. And I would be delighted to hear from you!
A Last Wish
My parting wish for you is that you bring even more of your love into your leadership.
There are many flavors of love. Self-love. Other-love. Soft love. Fierce love. As a visionary leader, you will be called upon to love when your edges are stretched and your buttons are pushed.
Can you deliver a hard truth to a client with love? Can you let go of a collaboration with love? Can you lovingly give yourself a day off when you need it, or lovingly apply yourself to the task at hand, even when you're tired?
With love and commitment, you truly cannot fail.
With love,