Beyond Sexual Performance

My secret to extraordinary sexual performance?
Saying “fuck it” to the entire mindset of having to perform.

This video series is for you if you’ve…

  • Struggled with sexual performance – premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and fear and anxiety around sex.

  • Tend to collapse under the pressure of sexual situations (the more you try to do it right, the worse it gets…)

  • As a result you may be feeling ashamed, embarrassed, and may even be avoiding sexual situations.

I get it, and I can help!

I’ll be honest with you, I struggled with these same issues myself. Since my first girlfriend in high school who put a lot of pressure on me to perform in sex, sex has been really challenging for me.

In 2010 I had a sexual experience with an amazing lover that completely blew my mind (and my mindset) and changed my sex life forever.

Since then I’ve enjoyed many phenomenal sexual experiences with my intimate partners with a level of connection, excitement, and depth that I didn’t know was even possible…

I’d like to share this shift in mindset with you, so you can stop struggling with the losing game of performance and enjoy your sex life much more.

Of course, a short-format online video series can’t transform your life all at once, but it can introduce you to a new way of thinking about sex and relating that will make a difference for you if you apply what you learn.

Are you curious what I’m about to share? Be my guest and dive right in to this FREE 7-part video series.

Note – While most of my sexual experience is with women and I’ll be using examples with women in this series, the principles apply to gay and bisexual men as well who wish to tune in.

This free video series is delivered through Facebook Messenger. When you click the button above you’ll be asked to connect through Facebook, and the experience will begin!

Peter Rubin1 Comment