The 2021 Goal Fulfillment Masterclass is coming up this Sunday. Is it right for you?
With everything going on in the world right now, now isn't the time for a "ra ra" goal-setting workshop. It's not a time for ego-driven, overly-ambitious goals that stress us (and everyone around us) out. But it's also not a time to collapse and give up on dreams and aspirations.
This year's Goal Fulfillment Masterclass is about finding that sweet center, that middle path.
It's about taking time to pause and ask yourself, "What do I truly want?" – while taking other people and our planet into consideration more than ever.
It's a year for being aspirational yet realistic, choosing to stretch ourselves in ways that are aligned with our values, our purpose, and our calling to serve, while letting go of anything that's extraneous.
Grounded. Pragmatic. Compassionate. Playful. Fun. These are some of my guiding words for the year.
Do you hope 2021 to be easier than 2020? I don't. Not to be cynical, because hope may be useful in moments to keep our spirits alive, but if we delude ourselves we'll miss how important it is to do the work right now.
The inner work is about trust.
Trust is about learning to trust ourselves and life more deeply. We must be radically present and open, ready to change course when what we're doing just isn't working, allowing spirit (however we each conceive of spirit) to guide us.
The outer work is about creating a solid plan.
Meanwhile, a solid plan keeps us from spinning in circles. Once we tap into what we truly want, we need to craft clear visions, goals, and action plans that we commit to wholeheartedly and make progress on consistently.
This is an exciting time to be alive.
How the 2021 Goal Fulfillment Workshop will help you...
You’ll spend three hours creating a solid plan for a single area of your life, with guidance from me and feedback from a partner along the way.
You'll walk away with two plans – a one-year plan and a 30-day plan, both for that same area of your life. Take a look at the template we'll be filling out together and an example of what you'll be working towards.
In a single afternoon, you may not have your plans fully fleshed out, but you will have overcome any fear or resistance that has been holding you back. You will have put pen to paper – one of the hardest things to do when you’re by yourself! You'll walk away feeling excited, or at least relieved, to have solid plans, and you'll leave with greater trust in yourself.
So consider, is there an area of your life that could use some of your TLC? It could be business, career, finances, health, home, relationships, fun and play… the process we'll be going through works for any area that matters to you.
Learn more about the 2021 Goal Fulfillment Workshop and sign up here if you're interested.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
With love,