
What's Our Promise?

There are a dizzying array of business and marketing programs out there, each trying to sell their "proven system" for getting results.

Truth is, there is no "proven system" – only systems that you make work through experimentation and progressive alignment with your work, your soul, and the metrics for success that are meaningful to you.

We believe true business success is a result of two distinct things:

  1. Sustained attention and action over time

  2. Skillful coaching

That’s really all you need for success. Which is why our promise is simple:

We will help you to craft a compelling vision for your business and lifestyle. Then we’ll collaborate with you to create a sound strategy to manifest your vision. Then we’ll hold you accountable to doing the work, guiding you through the internal and external roadblocks that inevitably arise along the way.

We’re not promising to help you hit six figures. We’re not promising ten new leads a week.

All we’re promising is to help you achieve the goals you set for yourself. If that’s to hit six figures? Great, we’ll help you do it.

Who Is It For?

Business-aligned = Coaches, consultants, healers, and conscious entrepreneurs.

Specifically: entrepreneurs who are already working with clients (and may have many years of experience).

Soul-aligned = Passionate, courageous, relationally-attuned human beings.

Specifically: people who value personal balance and the sustainability of the planet. You need no convincing of the hermetic principle, “As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

In essence, this program is for you if you're drawn to a co-created, self-directed, and intuitive way of working with a coach… while you implement nitty-gritty strategy.

The program is capped at 6 fully-aligned participants. Why? So you receive the highest quality attention you need to fulfill your vision. We want it to feel like family.

Who's Offering It?

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Peter Rubin – aka Vitamin P! – is passionate about guiding his clients into full soul + strategic alignment. Having graduated from Stanford and landed his dream job at IDEO, he turned down an unconventional career path. Instead of pursuing a corporate career, he learned a variety of transformational modalities (coaching, business consulting, NLP, diversity facilitation, energy work) and now turns those skills towards create extraordinary results for his clients. He’s currently traveling between the San Francisco Bay Area and Australia with his girlfriend Claire!


Chen Lehner, aka the Persuasion Pirate, is a full-time marketing and copywriting geek. He loves to translate the sleazy, slimy marketing tactics into usable, feel-good strategies normal people can use to make money. His clients rave about multiplying their income, getting leads consistently, and having more freedom because their marketing got way simpler. Currently living in the Pacific Northwest with his romantic partner, Robyn, and their two cats (Marmalade and Percy), he loves to rock climb, hike, and watch Stranger Things when he’s not working.

Why Are We Offering It?

Working with clients as a dynamic duo, we've been able to offer a truly unique form of full-spectrum support that included visioning, business strategy, marketing consulting, sales coaching, team dynamics facilitation, deep inner work, and more. This has allowed clients to achieve phenomenal results that neither of us could have catalyzed alone.

Our clients feel seen, feel held, feel cared for, AND get extraordinary results. We hope that this way of working is a breath of fresh air in a crowded and polluted marketplace for a small group of soul-aligned and business-aligned clients.

What's Included?

Over 6 months…

  • Twelve 90-min small group coaching sessions.

  • Three 60-min 2:1 coaching sessions with Chen & Peter.

  • A Facebook Group to connect, ask questions, and receive additional support.

Plus an additional complimentary 2:1 session with Peter & Chen before the program begins to get to know you and discover whether there's a mutual fit.

How Much Is It?

$1,000 – $500 / mo. sliding scale, based on where you're at in your business.

In your complimentary session, we will get a sense of where you're at and where you're heading with your business revenue, and suggest a sliding scale price. You're welcome to take our suggestion or choose your own amount.

When Does It Start?

We’re aiming for a mid-September, 2019 start. We’ll post a firm start date and call schedule once the group starts to come together.

What's the Next Step?