The Big Picture
I help my clients realize their dreams in their careers and work, their money and finances, their relationships and intimacy, and every area of their life that matters to them.
On a deeper level, I help them become the men they want to be.
On a deeper level still, we’re preparing the ground for my clients to become visionary leaders.
There’s a larger context for my clients’ personal transformation.
The big picture I’m about to share gives a higher octave of meaning and purpose to this work.
To the degree that they’re ready for it, I help my clients make sense of the times we’re living in and their place within it. Often this readiness happens over the course of our work together.
It’s a rare millennial who sees themselves as a visionary leader in the making – and perhaps to do so would be grandiose – but I hold this potential for my clients.
When my clients generate community projects, take moral risks at work, and grapple internally with issues of privilege, social justice, and environmental sustainability, I’m proud of them and partner with them to co-create a more beautiful world.
Here is how I see it…
We are in the midst of an unprecedented collective transformation.
These are immensely challenging times, full of opportunity.
Any one of these crises would be formidable –
A global pandemic
An overpopulated planet
An unstable climate
An unjust society
Broken political, economic, and healthcare systems…
But we’re facing these crises all at once, which adds up to a volatile and dangerous global situation that is immensely challenging for all of us.
Every crisis is an opportunity.
In a crisis, old ways of operating are destabilized. This liberates an immense amount of potential energy, and offers new degrees of freedom for innovative new possibilities to emerge.
This is an exciting time for those of us who are called to lead.
For those of us with visionary spirits who are adept at creating from within the chaos, this is both a challenging and exciting time.
Greta Thunberg, Swedish climate change activist
In the words of Greta Thunberg, the Swedish girl who at fifteen years old sparked a global movement – ”We must change almost everything in our current societies. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.”
Who’s going to lead this new world?
The leadership we’ve had so far hasn’t been working.
To put it bluntly – business and government have been dominated by old white men who all think the same way and seem to care more about their own ego gratification than serving humanity.
As Albert Einstein famously said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
It’s time for new leaders with a new level of consciousness.
The next generation of leadership will be conscious and collaborative.
Conscious leaders are aware of their own motivations and biases. They have a capacity to be present, self-reflect, and adjust their approach so it’s in greater alignment with their values and missions.
Collaborative leaders know they can’t do it alone. They’re deep listeners, open to others’ influence, and seek to build shared visions and take collective action.
This is the kind of leadership that will bring about what activist-philosopher Charles Eisenstein calls “The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible.”
This is where you come in.
Do you think of yourself as a visionary leader?
Probably not.
Most of my clients are in their 20s or 30s and certainly don’t think of themselves as visionary leaders when we first meet. But they have that potential in them, and I see it. It’s my mission to help clients to develop in that direction…
Does this mean that you have to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or be a political leader?
Not at all.
Leadership isn’t about externally-granted authority or rank. It’s about knowing one’s own responsibility and creative power to shape a better world.
We need leaders at all levels and in all spheres of society.
We need you.
Does this all seem overwhelming? Luckily it doesn’t need to be.
As Lao Tzu said, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…”
We start where you are.
We begin by appreciating the man you already are, the life you’ve already created, and the leadership you already embody. (For most of my clients, that’s a lot!)
Then we set to work developing your capacities as a man and a leader. When you’re more fully connected to your highest ideals and rooted in your deepest values, the more you’ll be an inspiration and contribution to others.
And we keep working to make your life as amazing as possible.
The old paradigm says you need to choose one or other – personally success and happiness or serving others. But the truth is that having a rich, balanced and full life is an essential part of the leadership role you’re here to play.
When you’re happy and fulfilled, everybody wins.
Does this vision for yourself as a visionary leader with an amazing life inspire you?
If so, let’s take the next step together…
If you’re ready to dive right in and explore being one of my handful of private clients, I invite you to read more about coaching and apply for a gift coaching session.