Soul of Your Business Meditations
As a former left-brained engineer, tuning into the "soul of my business" has been the most surprising and useful intuitive tools that I've discovered in the last 10 years of being a professional coach and conscious entrepreneur.
In this 7-minute “soul of your business” meditation, you will bring a business dilemma to your new most trusted advisor – the soul of your business – engage in conversation, and walk away with clear guidance about what to do next. Magic! Press “play” below to listen.
If you enjoyed this brief meditation, I invite you to join my newsletter below and receive the long-form version of the "soul of your business” meditation (as well as download links for both meditations).
In this 21-minute version, you will commune with your business at a deeper level – bringing a business situation, challenge, or opportunity to the soul of your business for an extended strategy meeting. You will receive guidance, a renewed connection to your business and purpose, and inspiration to make the difference that you are here to make.
I recommend connecting with the soul of your business – with or without this guided meditation – every Monday as an entrée to determining your priorities and plan for the week.
Thank you to Mark Silver, Tomar Levine, Alla Zollers, Nicole Ledinich, and others who use and teach similar processes for connecting to the heart and soul of one’s business.
Best of luck, and blessings to you and your business! 😊🙏💗